Myers Briggs Team Building Workshop

Myers Briggs Team Building Workshop Goals:

Myers Briggs Team Building Workshop Full Day Agenda:

Breakfast from 8:30 am - 9:00 am

Break from 10:00 am - 10:15 am

Lunch from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Break from 2:30 pm - 2:45pm

Close - Day ending at 5:00pm.

Sample Half Day Agenda:


Myers Briggs Team Building All participants of a Myers Briggs team building workshop will receive a copy of "Introduction to Type in Organizations" which contains information on:
  • What is MBTI?
  • Effects of Preferences in work situations
  • Preferred methods of communication
  • Decision-Making Process Using Type Preferences
All participants will also receive handouts during the session, including their personal MBTI Interpretive Report for Organizations.

Who Should Attend a Myers Briggs Team Building Workshop?

The workshop is suited to all members of an organization or group, from factory floor personnel to senior management, from volunteers to program directors.



This Myers Briggs team building workshop can be taught as a full day or half day, outlines of both are provided below.


Myers Briggs team building workshop locations should provide conditions conducive to openness and learning. Due to the nature of the content of the True Colors Workshop, participants are required to explore their deeper views and beliefs and to engage in a high level of self-disclosure. The ideal setting is one in which,

We can help arrange the meeting for your location or work with you to select an appropriate offsite meeting location.

Note: offsite locations may result in additional costs.

©The Soft Skills Expert Inc. 2007-2020